Saturday, 15 December 2007

A walk in the park

I got up early this morning, at about half past seven, and made pancakes for breakfast. I couldn't find a measuring jug, though, so I just experimented with adding milk a bit at a time until the pancakes spread in the frying pan the way they're supposed to. We headed into the hospital for half past nine, and arrived a little later; Angus was on today, and okayed me to have my chemotherapy in the morning rather than waiting in all day the way we've been doing. So, I got my blood taken and hooked up to a line, and got my chemotherapy at about half past ten. I had the dressing on my Hickman line changed while the fluids were going in — it completely disintegrated last night, somehow, and was just hanging together by the corners. Anyway, we were out and blinking in the daylight by one o'clock, and with my mercaptopurine in a phial in mum's bag; no need to go back into the hospital at all, today. Hooray.

We decided to go for a walk in Victoria Park, because it was just a quick drive away under the Clyde tunnel. We walked around the boating pond and saw the ducks, then saw a family feeding the swans on our way back, with the inevitable swan-on-child finger-pecking. I decided that the fossil grove was too far to walk that day, so we drove back home. I took a nap for a couple of hours, and had a microwave cannelloni for an afternoon snack.

I spent most of the rest of the day just pottering around the house. I took a couple of pictures of people around the place, and rested quite a lot. I also arranged lunch with a couple of friends on Monday, so that should be quite good. I think I'll go for a shower, now, and go to bed.

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