Friday 14 December 2007


I felt pretty good today, much better than yesterday; I think I might have had some sort of a hangover from all the treatments I had on Wednesday. We went into the hospital quite early, and only just got caught in the rush hour traffic. Mum dropped me off and went on to her work, and I got to work on Clare's site; it's really coming along, now. I ate a "share with the family"-sized bag of salt and vinegar Kettle Chips in a single sitting, whose fat content both impressed and terrified the doctors. They're confident I won't have any problems putting my weight back on, once I get through the treatment.

At midday I had my lunch in the hospital, then got a little tired and went for a nap before my chemotherapy. The cytarabine turned up a little earlier today than it did yesterday, and I got the intravenous at about three o'clock; two hours of fluids followed, so I just stayed in for dinner. Dad was along at six to pick me up, and we sorted out my drugs and the arrangements for tomorrow and went home. Dad dropped me off and went to the supermarket to get himself some dinner; I took the walk down to gran's house for a little visit.

Tomorrow, it's hoped, my chemo might be a bit earlier — possibly even in the morning, if things go quickly. This means I might get out in the daylight, for a change; it'll be nice to go for a walk in the light with the Leica. If we can't get the chemo early, I think mum and I might go for a walk in the park before the I.V. I also managed, today, to get half-way through organising another lunch visit with my Uni friends, before my phone's battery ran out. Oh well, I'll be able to sort that out tomorrow. Big plans. I'd better get an early night.

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