Sunday 23 December 2007


Writing up a bit earlier today, what with the scarcity of late-evening consciousness lately. Thanks to everyone who's been enquiring as to my health during my recent blog hiatuses. I've been trying to sleep as much as possible, lately, and feeling pretty awful during those times when I've been awake. The high-dose antibiotics have utterly wiped out my intestinal fauna, so I can't really eat anything at the moment. Not that I've felt like eating anything in the past three days; I attempted some lightly salted tortilla chips this afternoon, but I soon gave up when my stomach started making some rather alarming noises. I might try again with some rice cakes or Ryvita or something later, if mum manages to get a hold of any for me.

Today was pretty quiet. Mum was up for a while in the morning, and stayed through the ward round and my cytarabine intravenous. She seems a lot more familiar with this sort of pump-'em-full-of-antibiotics medicine than she's been with the acute cancer chemotherapy stuff, and I think that makes her feel a bit more secure; I think she deals with people who feel like I do right now every day, at work. Dr Tansey tells me there's nothing can be done for my antibiotic-induced diarrhoea until they're sure I don't have clostridium difficile, but hopefully by tomorrow the lab will have got back to us with that and they can start me on the codeine. For now it's water and potassium tablets, and just hope I don't lose too much more weight.

Whoops, so much for posting early; I fell asleep after typing this up, and never got around to signing off. Well, I can do that now: goodnight.

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