Wednesday, 9 January 2008

A bit of bad news

The tissue typing people have finally got back to us and, unfortunately, it seems that none of my siblings are suitable matches for my stem cell transplant. The transplant will still go ahead, it'll just be delayed and made slightly riskier by the complication that we need an unrelated donor — in the mean time, I have high-dose methotrexate to look forwards to, in addition to a handful of other intensive chemotherapies. My odds are down a couple of percentage points on this news, but I'm told I've not to think like that.

Oh well.

My counts continue to rise, so hopefully I'll be out for a wee break sooner rather than later. Dr. Tansey has finally scheduled me for the long-awaited CT scan; the doctors will finally get their look at the lymph nodes in my chest, tomorrow, and with some luck they won't find anything untoward.

For a change, I didn't feel very sleepy at all today; I only went for one long-ish nap between lunch and dinner. In fact, I still don't feel sleepy now; I think I'll watch some TV or something, see if I can't bore myself into unconsciousness.


Unknown said...

They're right - don't think like that - try not to worry - its just yet another obstacle to get round - look what you've coped with so far - keep your eye on the end goal and you'll come out the other end just fine.
I wish we could give you what it is you need - if we can help with anything you must let us know.

All at The Anchorage

Anonymous said...

Please keep you positive attitude. Although Moira and I are not now marrying we are joined in prayers and thoughts for you. We know that you will get well and look forward with everyone to that beautiful time.
Tommy and Moira

Helen said...

Peter has packed up the wii and games and delivered it to no.15. He says that he hopes you enjoy the wii and to see you soon (any chance of the ds lite back???) Helen says - consider it an extended loan. Peter's exams start on 21st January. Managed to give blood yesterday. Next time will bring a book to read or something to listen to. It took about 2 hours all in. lots of love
Helen, Peter, Gran, Aunt Jean etc