Thursday 3 January 2008

Back inside for a bit

I've had a quiet couple of days; all of my chemotherapy for this block, apart from four cytarabine injections, has been completed. Unfortunately, my neutrophil count has also dropped again, so it looks like I'll be spending the next fortnight or so as an inpatient; the numbers seem to recover slower and slower with each week's dose of poison, and they were at 0.3 yesterday. It's unlikely that they'll recover past 1.0, when they'll let me out again, for at least the next ten days or so.

Anyway. I spent today poring over the Cocoa and Objective C documentation, and learning to program for Mac OS X — I have a simple (and still slightly buggy) calculator application to show for my troubles. I'll maybe write something a bit more substantial tomorrow, if I can think of anything worthwhile. It's quite a nice programming environment, OS X, once you're used to Objective C's slightly odd syntax.

Anyway, it's quite late now; I should probably get some sleep. Good night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The ObjC syntax isn't odd, you're odd ;)