Saturday 2 February 2008

Phase three

On Wednesday, finally, my counts were sufficient for me to be given the intrathecal methotrexate which marks day one of phase three. There were a couple of modifications to the routine this time around — first of all, they decided not to take a bone marrow sample this time and, secondly, they let me out overnight; normally I'd be kept in for observation post-IT, I suppose they must trust me now to be sensible. Anyway, Thursday brought me my first of this cycle's two intravenous doses of vincristine; maybe I ought to learn guitar or something in the next two weeks, capitalise on the time I have before the peripheral neuropathy sets in again. I also received two units of red cells on Thursday, along with the welcome news that I wouldn't need to come back in for an entire week; all of the chemotherapy in this phase is oral, apart from the monthly intrathecal and intravenous work.

Me, mum and dad spent some of the afternoon today visiting the Burrell collection; we ended up leaving the house a bit late, so only got to spend an hour and a half or so wandering around the place before closing. Aidan came up to visit in the evening, before dinner time, and we played Wii tennis for a bit; he's getting better, no doubt assisted by his lack of cancer. Also today, I got back the first set of developed negatives from my new camera; Amazon promise they'll send out my scanner at some point next week, so I'm looking forwards to seeing how they look. Big thanks to Niall and everyone for getting me that :)

Anyway, I'm sure there were a couple of other things which I meant to mention today, I just can't remember what; maybe I'll post another update tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck with phase Three, Simon. You should learn the guitar. Iain's just getting to grips with a new electric one that he bought in Glasgow on Wednesday - it keeps him amused for hours on end.

Clare and everyone here at The Anchorage